3 Residents living at N 11th St, Steubenville, Jefferson, Ohio 43952

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By Party Affiliation

Dividing by party there are 1 (100.00%) Democrat Party registered voters.

By Voter Status

Splitting by voter status we have 6,879,039 (85.75%) Active and 1,143,196 (14.25%) Confirmation people.

By Age Range

Looking at age there are 2 (66.67%) 40-50 years and 1 (33.33%) 60 years or older residents.

Properties 609 to 622 (Ellison to Hopkins)

609 N 11th St

609 N 11th St

613 N 11th St

613 N 11th St

622 N 11th St

622 N 11th St
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